Package of PTV chairman announced |
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008 By Muhammad Ahmad Noorani ISLAMABAD: The Establishment Division on Monday issued an ambiguous notification explaining the package and remunerations of the newly-appointed chairman-cum-managing director of the state-owned Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV). The letter of the Establishment Division bearing No 1/64/2008-E-6, dated June 30, 2008, says that besides the fixed remuneration of the new chairman PTV, any other “financial benefits” are negotiable between Dr Shahid Masood and “competent authority” at some later stage. The Establishment Division letter read: “Dr Shahid Masood, chairman PTV, who also has the additional charge of managing director, has agreed to receive the same remuneration package which was given to former MD PTV Yousuf Baig Mirza (annexure-III).” The contract of Dr Shahid Masood will be for a period of five years which could be terminated by either side on a six-month notice. The attached document (annexure-III) issued by the Establishment Division on May 25, 2007, said that MD PTV Yousuf Baig Mirza would get Rs 700,000 per month as salary. His house rent would be Rs 150,000 and utility allowances Rs 25,000. The salary would be raised by Rs 50,000 per annum. Free mobile phone, two residence telephones and one fax would be allowed. Business class tickets would be given for the national and international travels. Recreational allowance would be given according to the situation. The notification issued by the Establishment Division on Monday said Dr Shahid Masood would be paid Rs 50,000 extra to that of the package of the previous MD as he (Dr Shahid) would also hold the office of the PTV chairman. Information minister Sherry Rehman has also approved the Establishment Division notification. However, senior PTV officials see the point of “extra financial benefits to be negotiated later” with concern. The officials maintained that it would be totally against the rules of the corporation and illegal to offer somebody any percentage of the income from any programme aired on the PTV. Dr Shahid Masood was appointed as the PTV chairman through the Establishment Division letter No 1/64/2008-E-6, dated May 31, 2008, and was given the additional charge of the MD through the letter No 1/64/2008-E-6, dated June 21, 2008. http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=121626 |

Why do we have people like Shahid Masood (Meray Mutabiq) here ? He is a compromised individual, having done soul-selling, Faustian deals with those whose crimes against the country, institutions and people of Pakistan we are still suffering from. One of the main reasons many of us come to Pkpolitics is because of the quality material of a political and cultural nature available here--and also because there are stand-up acts among the participants like Javedshiekh, larki and mulla---but when we see these whores of journalism selling their bogus and hypocritical wares, again and again, we feel rather disappointed.
Just because he---and other maraasis like Javed Chaudhry (kal tak) and Iftikhar (jawab deh)---say things that are ideologically/politically in line with your politcs (roughly translated as pro Imran-PTI, pro Sharif bros. and others of the ilk) does not mean that he should be given space here. Wittingly or unwittingly you have given these shameless bozos a new life and respectibility and many have already forgotten the unforgiveable crimes of these opportunists. This is one reason why institutions, as opposed to oft-proven corrupt individuals, don't take root in Pakistan: one should not be too surprised now to see the imminent return of the Fawji zalim Musharraf back in politics and power, just like Shahid Masood is now back as a "respectable" journalist. Memories are too short, things get forgotten too easily: we refuse to learn from the past. In a way, some of the media anchors and column writers---for whatever reasons---are accomplices in the fostering and promotion of such collective amnesia.
The media and internet sites like this play crucial roles in resucsitating these dead and rejected monsters and making them look "respectable" again. This is unfortunate, although some would like to call this practice as democratic and a freedom of expression issue. Just look how that criminal cow of Rawalpindi (Sheikh Rashid) is getting unnecessary media space and reviving his political fortunes thanks to these TV political talk shows (often on the TV shows of typically Punjabi maskharas like Javed Chaudry and Iftikhar but recently even on a show like Talat's, which was really disappointing!). These failures crave to be on these shows because they know that the media (the anchors) is the magic pill that will give their political life a new lease. Our salavation lies in the once-and-for-all rejection of these anti-people monsters. How many times do we, the people of Pakistan, want to test and try them out ? We cannot afford the same any more.
Decency, if not justice, demands that this site shows some respect for its audience and shun these black sheep of the profession of journalism. They are all poor quality material who do not deserve to be on this otherwise decent, high quality and wonderful site. Thank you.
Dr. Shahid Masood, who basically has a background of National Students Federation (NSF of People’s Party) is a failed surgeon by profession. He got attracted some 7-8 years ago toward journalism. His thinking was that journalism brings in a lot of money. He remained with ARY ONE WORLD and then joined GEO TV before accepting the bribe of Charimanship of PTV by the PPP government. In Pakistani politics, if you want to succeed or you want to grow and reach some top government position or you want to make lots of money, you have to abuse, curse and shoot at the government, the military, and the Establishment or give a big shit to the United States (what Imran Khan, Aitzaz Ahsan, Mirza Aslam Baig, Hameed Gul, Talat Hussain, Nusrat Javed (Aaj TV), Hamid Mir (Geo), Dr. Shahid Masood (ex-PTV now GEO) are doing and did.
His summersaults are the biggest evidences. The Biggest crime of the media anchor is when he sells his soul.
He was biggest critic of PPP then all of a sudden he met Asif Zardari at his residence ( as per his own narration on Geo TV) and joined PTV with big salary.
He himself admitted in the Geo TV that as per the agreement he was suppose to pay back the money if he leaves the Job. When asked by Geo moderator in “Jawab Deh” that you always criticize big people for corruption why don’t you yourself pay back the money which belongs to public exchequer he didn’t have any answer.
He said on TV that he met Asif Zardari with the permission of Ansar Abbasi and Shaheen Sehbai but both of them said Shahid Masood is not telling truth.
Now again he is grilling PPP on GEO may be he wants to raise his conscience money
Such a opportunist and Zameer farosh Shame
tahir mahmood said:
same BS from SM with same old ISI payroll journalists like Hassan Nisar, Irfan Siddique, Ansar Abbasi and Sheeda Talli. SM why don’t you invite Hussain Haqqani in your show who would expose your IQ level.
democrate said:
same old song again,zerdari zerdari zerdari,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,daactar is obsessed with zerdari.
Pakistan-Khappay said:
Honesty I have started feeling sorry for Dr SM. He tried his best to get Zardaris attention by doing all the baseless propaganda in his last few shows with the same guests again and again and again. Poor chap he is being totally ignored. He lost the plot today and his patience and started stating his wishes and discussing so called rumours. He had to change the guests , couldnt get hameed gul and ik again, he tried to get some people who will not disagree with him, but failed desperately, in the end literally begging SR to say :khuda ke liye keh do rumours khabar ban sakti hain.
I do have a cofession I enjoyed some bits of this show:
Where Malik said Laanti mehsood is dead and he had to sheepishly agree, this after his show with Hamid Mir where he said Laanti will appear on tv in next few days and how embarrased RM etc will be. Well khuda ki lathi today he said nodding his head, like a british Bull ***.
Second was end of show where this great scholar actually admittted his show was more light fiction and entertainment by including SS singing to children.
On a serious note this man openly confessed in a talk show that he got a call from Hameed Gul ( a person nominated by BB as people who are plotting to kill her) that sanha KAr saaz was planned, when BB shaheed landed on airport, question how did Hameed Gul know that, he was obviously trying to scare BB off in typical taliban manner, and though she would run away like NS, but he should she was Bhuttos daughter and a jiyali, our motto is
Yeh jan to aani jaani he
Is jann ki koi Baat nahi
Jis dhajh se koi maqtal main gaya
Wo shan salamat rehti he.
Dr SM your current state is makafat e amal, Hameed Gul should wait for his turn, he will be hanged IA for BBs murder along with his cronies.
Last note for DR BBD : If wishes were horses beggars would ride:.
Some People have mentioned JI and PTI and AL in some comments, Which parties are these, pardon me for ignorance, but I even checked Electoral results on this website but they are mentioned nowhere.
Since we are in a light mood so do check this link. So I sign off with a song as well.
Bawa said:
ڈاکٹر صاحب! آپ بھی کمال کرتے ہیں. جن لوگوں کو انکے گھر والے بھی سننا پسند نہیں کرتے آپ انکو ٹی وی پر بلا لیتے ہیں. وہ بھی نازک معاملات پر بات کرنے کیلئے. آپ بھی خدا کا خوف کریں. شیخ رشید، حسن نثار، روف کلاسرا، اکرام سہگل اور حمید گل جیسے لوگوں پر عوام تھوکتے ہیں. آپ کے دماغ کی چپ میں زرداری وائرس نے بری طرح حملہ کر دیا ہے. لگتا ہے دوبئی والوں سے کوئی طاقتور انٹی وائرس کا انتظام کروانا پڑے گ
Khubaib said:
There must be a limit of everything.The difference between western and Pakistani media is that western societies do not believe in mud slinging and it cost sometime very heavily to the who who indulges into this type of shit but since electronic media is being gradually evolved in the country people like Shahid Masood will keep mushrooming until we reach saturation level.If he knew that the incumbent set up or President was corrupt why he joined PTV as MD in first place.A small fly told me the other day that he still owes Rs 5 million of PTV which he has to return.He locked horn with the then Information Minister in PTV and bite the dust.Imagine a person criticizing the high and mighty of the country when he himself failed to record presidential address correctly not once but twice as MD PTV.
Mere allegations suggest that SM is on someone’s payroll.He joined ARY Network but then joined Geo in search of ‘greener pastures’ soon he made his way to top PTV slot, obviously trampling others and what did he earn? Well to be honest quite an hefty amount but humiliation as after he was booted out of PTV it was clear that he will try to settle the score with vengeance—good going Dr.Shahid keep it up.
mobi said:
media merchant of disorder
qaisanwar said:
ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود ۔۔۔۔۔۔ آج سکرپٹ پھر عرفان صدیقی کا لکھا لگتا ہے۔ حکایتوں کا بڑا بے ربط استعمال ۔۔۔۔۔ لفظوں کے تیر پھر زرداری کی طرف ’ رہبر چین میں چین ہی لکھ رہے ہیں’ آپ ہارون رشید نہیں کہ روز اول سے داءیں بازو کے ترجمان ہوں ۔ آپ عطا ء لحق قاسمی نہیں کہ میاں نواز شریف سے وابستگی پر فخر کرتے ہوں۔ آپ عباس اطہر نہیں جو ترقی پسند تحریک کی حمایت لیکن پیپلز پارٹی سے عشق پر نازاں ہوں ۔ آپ نزیر ناجی بھی نہیں جو کم از کم ملا دشمنی پر یکسو ہوں ۔آپ حامد میر اور کامران خان بھی نہیں کہ جن کی ایجنسیوں کے ساتھ مسلسل وابستگی ہو ۔ آپ انصار عباسی بھی نہیں جو کہ اپنی رجعت پسندی پر فخر کرتا ہو۔ آپ مصطفی کھر ہیں جو کہ پیپلز پارٹی میں آتا جاتا رہا اور پھر اپنا اعتابر کھو بیٹھا ۔ آپ فاروق لغاری ہیں جو کہ میاں نواز شریف اور بے نظیر کو گالیاں دیتے دیتے خود ایک گالی بن گءے ہیں۔ آپ پیپلز پارٹی کے حامی تھے آپ نے اس کی قیمت وصول کی۔ آپ کی شیری رحمان سے نہ بنی آصف زرداری نے آپ کے لیے کوءی رستہ تلاش نہ کیا ۔ آپ نے آصف زرداری کو گالیاں دینے کا راستہ تلاش کر لیا ۔ جو آپ کو ملا تھا اس سے زیادہ شاید کوءی آپ کو دے نہ پاءے۔ آپ نہ ملیحہ لودھی اور مشاہد حسین جیسے زہین ہیں نہ ہی آپ کااسٹبلشمنٹ کے ساتھ تعلق ان جتنا پرانا ہے۔۔ آپ واجد شمس الحسن اور عطا ء الحق قاسمی بھی نہیں کہ ان کی فطرت میں محسن کشی نہیں تھی۔ خدارا زرداری دشمنی سے نکلیں ۔ اپنے لفظوں کا اعتبار بناءیے۔ اب تو ایاز امیر جیسے پیپلز پارٹی کے مخالفوں نے بھی آپ کے کالموں اور پروگرام پر کراہت کا اظہار شروع کر دیا ہے۔آپ کو شاید اثر چوہان یاد ہو وہ آپ کے انداز میں بھٹو کو گالیاں دیا کرتا تھا لیکن اب کوءی اسے جانتا بھی نہیں ۔ زرداری دشمنی میں ہارون رشید وغیرہ آپ سے کہیں معبر قرار پاءیں گے اس لیے کہ وہ بھٹو خاندان کی دشمنی کا فریضہ پچھلے چالیس سالوں سے انجام دے رہے ہیں اور آج تک اس خاندان سے قریب نہیں ہوءے۔آپ ابھی ابھی تازہ تازہ نوکری سے نکلے ہیں آپ کا اعتبار مشکل سے بنے گا۔ آج محمود خان اچکزءی نے وہ نہیں کہا جو آپ چاہتے تھے ۔محمود خان اسٹبلشمنٹ کے دشمن ہیں حکومت کے نہیں ۔ رجعت پسندوں کے ساتھ ان کا معاشقہ وقتی ہے۔وہ اپنی سوچ میں بڑے واضح ہیں۔ آپ کو شاید پتہ نہ ہو کہ ایک زمانہ تھا ایجنسیاں محمود خان کو قتل کرانے کے درپے تھیں وہ آپ کے مستقل پینلسٹوں حمید گل ؛ روءیداد خان؛ مشاہد حسین اور ہم نواءوں کی طرح نہیں بولیں گے ۔ آپ نے ان کے کچھ الفاظ پکڑ لیے اور پھر پٹے ہوءے مہرے مشاہد حسین کو لے آءے ۔ اور پھر قاضی حسین احمد بیچارے کتنے پریشان تھے کہ میاں صاحب نے الیکشن میں حصہ کیوں لیا۔ عدالتوں نے ان کی خو اہش کے مطابق انارکی نہیں پھیلاءی اس لیے عدالتوں سے بھی نالاں ہیں ۔ آپ تھوڑے ہوءے بجھے ہوءے لگ رہے تھے ۔ میاں نواز شریف اور یوسف رضا گیلانی آپ کے ماینس ون والے فارمولے والے جھانسے میں نہیں آءے۔کامران خان کا طریقہ آپ سے بہتر ہے۔ وہ اسٹبلشمنٹ کے پرانے اور آزمودہ فارمولے پر کام کر رہے ہیں کہ سیاسی حکومت ؛ چاہے پیپلز پارٹی کی ہو چاہے مسلم لیگ کی ؛ اس پر کرپشن کے الزامات کی بوچھاڑ کر دی جاءے۔ابھی حال ہی میں انہوں نے میاں نواز شریف اور عدلیہ کو دبا ءو میں لانے کے لیے ان پر تنقید بھی کی ہے۔ حا لآنکہ وہ یہ کام ایسٹبلشمنٹ کے طے شدہ وقت پر کرتے ہیں لیکن ناظرین میں اپنا اعتبار بھی بنا لیتے ہیں ۔ آپ کا مسءلہ ہے کہ آپ کے زرداری دشمن ایجنڈے میں صرف ضیا ء الحق گروپ آپ کے ساتھ ہے جو کب کا پٹ چکا ۔ آپ کے گروپ کا مہرہ عمران خان زرداری کو گالیاں دینے کی حد تک تو اسٹبلشمنت کے کیانی گروپ کو قبول ہے ورنہ ایک بدلی ہوءی دنیا میں دنیا میں وہ اعتزاز احسن پر داءو لگانے میں زیادہ آسانی محسوس کریں گے۔ پیپلز پارٹی اور مسلم لیگ نواز میں مما ثلت پر گیلانی کا آج کا بیان شاید آپ کو مایوس کرے ۔ ابھی تک افتخار چوہدری؛ گیلانی ؛ نواز شریف اور زرداری ایک دوسرے کو سپیس دے رہے ہیں ۔ ایجنسیوں اور آپ کو نقب لگانے کے لیے کوءی کمزور جگہ نہیں مل رہی ۔ دیکھتے ہیں جیت کس کی ہوتی ہے۔ جمہوریت کی؛ کیانی کی اسٹبلشمنٹ کی یا ضیاء الحق گروپ ک
propolitics said:
Shahid Masood (Zia Ul Haq Lovers Association), Kamran Khan (ISI) and Hamid Mir (MI) are creating the conditions where Army regains control over politics. Have they ever presented a program on defense deals, business subsidies of Forces etc. When they blame Musharraf they do not mention that he got bribes in defense deals like any other general. Qazi Hussain, Roedad Khan, Mushahid Hussain – all have been on the payroll of agencies. Dr. Shahid invites them again and again as they represnt His Master’s Voice.
MalangBaba said:
qaisanwar, U hit the nail right over the head. This is not the first time such tactics being used against PPP. Each and every PPP government faced these kinds of attacks. In 70’s the same work was being done by Mujeeb Shami, Iltaf Hasan Qureshi and Abdul Qadir Hassan and today we have ppl like Kamran Khan, this ‘for sale’ doc. They are targeting President zardari to destroy PPP. This will not happen. Zardari chose to become President with a reason. They know that constitutionaly no one can remove President except parliament with 2/3 majority. They are doing nothing except buildiong a case for new military intervention.
propolitics said:
I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings. Several documents are available on the corporate interests of Pakistan Army and on how Army’s subsidies are nurtured under the military governmetns. According to news papers, a few years back, Fauji Foundation was provided a subsidy to deal with the financial crisis as a state enterprise. However, as far as state control over its assets and policies is concerned it is considered as a private enterprise. I can give you more details on it.
The problem with the TV anchors is that they blame politics as an institution. But when condemning generals, their demands are individual. Whatever Musharaf did , it was his role as a head of an institution. Now all TV talk shows are blaming Musharaf but not his institution.
As far as agencies and media are concerned, you might have noticed a news item today. Brgd Imtiaz says that confiscation of Jinah Pur maps from MQM offices was a drama. If you remember , those days ISI was under the control of PM. The then Chief of the Army Staff, allegedly, was against MQM and then a MI sponsoered journalist Azhar Sohail presented the map of Jinah Pur to the press. This news provided an excuse to launch an operation agaisnt MQM.
A must read:
Unfortunately some anti-Pakistan elements full of hatred against the cuurent elected Govt and particularly President Zardari are continuously trying to do just that based on recent junk opinion polls. Media campaign against the head of the state is condemnable. Neither Nawaz Sharif nor Musharraf regime managed to convict him or bend him to their will. It is true that both Benazir Bhutto while staying exile and Asif Zardari in incarceration couragesouly fought their cases.Yes we admirehis courage and tenacity in standing up to the odds stacked against him for a lifetime in prison for casses he was never convicted for. People of Pakistan have given mandate to PPP Govt and President zardri. we must support present democratic Govt and elected president.
People like Shahid Masood think that if one wants to succeed or want to grow and reach some top government position or want to make lots of money, one have to abuse, curse and shoot at the government. I say shame on you. You deliver sermons and lectures for money against and for the government and fall in the lap of the same government. What could we expect from is a failed surgeon by profession who got attracted some 7-8 years ago toward journalism and whose thinking was that journalism brings in a lot of money. Shahid Masood is playing in foreign hands that are working against Pakistan. He will be known as an agent of agencies in near future, since majority of people already know him.....!!!!
This whole thing is bogus. All of you commenting on this don't know anything
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