Swat Taliban refuse to lay down arms
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani Taliban will not lay down their arms in a northwestern valley as part of a deal that included the introduction of sharia law but will take their 'struggle' to new areas, a militant spokesman said on Wednesday.
President Asif Ali Zardari, under pressure from conservatives, signed a regulation on Monday imposing sharia law in the Swat valley to end Taliban violence.
The strategy of appeasement has alarmed US officials, while critics say the government has demonstrated a lack of capacity and will to fight the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Details of the deal have not been made public but government officials backing the pact have said part of it was that militants would give up their arms.
But a Pakistani Taliban spokesman in the scenic valley, a one-time tourist destination 125 km northwest of Islamabad, said they would be keeping their guns.
'Sharia doesn't permit us to lay down arms,' Muslim Khan said by telephone. 'If a government, either in Pakistan or Afghanistan, continues anti-Muslim policies, it's out of the question that Taliban lay down their arms.'
Some Taliban fighters last week moved out of Swat and into Buner district, only 100 km from Islamabad, and Khan said his men would push into new areas.
'When we achieve our goal at one place, there are other areas where we need to struggle for it,' he said.
Earlier on Wednesday, the Tehrik-i-Nifaz-Shariat-i-Muhammdi, which Sufi Mohammad heads, announced a public rally in Mingora on April 19, DawnNews reported.
Sufi Mohammad said the rally is ‘intended to appreciate the sincere efforts and cooperation of the government which has ensured the enforcement of Sharia.’
He reiterated that laws under the Nizam-i-Adl regulation will be tailored for the common man and will provide amnesty to militants.
He further said ‘the decisions of Qazi courts will not be allowed to be challenged in any other court of the country, including the Supreme Court.’
The TNSM Chief asked the people of Swat to work together with the government to maintain peace in the region and praised the Awami National Party for its efforts in implementing the Sharia regulation.
Militants infiltrated into Swat in 2007 from strongholds on the Afghan border to the west to support cleric Sufi Mohammad.
Khan said militants would go to Afghanistan to fight US-led forces if Afghan Taliban called for help.
'Our struggle is for a cause and that's to enforce Allah's rule on Allah's land. We will send mujahideen to Afghanistan if they demand them,' he said.
One security analyst, retired Brigadier Syed Mehmood Shah, said peace could be found if the government disarmed the militants: 'The agreement should be given a chance.'
But another said the Swat militants were part of an expanding network.
'There is no comprehensive counter-insurgency strategy from the military or government. They are not taking it seriously,' said Khadim Hussain of the Aryana Institute think-tank.
President Asif Ali Zardari, under pressure from conservatives, signed a regulation on Monday imposing sharia law in the Swat valley to end Taliban violence.
The strategy of appeasement has alarmed US officials, while critics say the government has demonstrated a lack of capacity and will to fight the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Details of the deal have not been made public but government officials backing the pact have said part of it was that militants would give up their arms.
But a Pakistani Taliban spokesman in the scenic valley, a one-time tourist destination 125 km northwest of Islamabad, said they would be keeping their guns.
'Sharia doesn't permit us to lay down arms,' Muslim Khan said by telephone. 'If a government, either in Pakistan or Afghanistan, continues anti-Muslim policies, it's out of the question that Taliban lay down their arms.'
Some Taliban fighters last week moved out of Swat and into Buner district, only 100 km from Islamabad, and Khan said his men would push into new areas.
'When we achieve our goal at one place, there are other areas where we need to struggle for it,' he said.
Earlier on Wednesday, the Tehrik-i-Nifaz-Shariat-i-Muhammdi, which Sufi Mohammad heads, announced a public rally in Mingora on April 19, DawnNews reported.
Sufi Mohammad said the rally is ‘intended to appreciate the sincere efforts and cooperation of the government which has ensured the enforcement of Sharia.’
He reiterated that laws under the Nizam-i-Adl regulation will be tailored for the common man and will provide amnesty to militants.
He further said ‘the decisions of Qazi courts will not be allowed to be challenged in any other court of the country, including the Supreme Court.’
The TNSM Chief asked the people of Swat to work together with the government to maintain peace in the region and praised the Awami National Party for its efforts in implementing the Sharia regulation.
Militants infiltrated into Swat in 2007 from strongholds on the Afghan border to the west to support cleric Sufi Mohammad.
Khan said militants would go to Afghanistan to fight US-led forces if Afghan Taliban called for help.
'Our struggle is for a cause and that's to enforce Allah's rule on Allah's land. We will send mujahideen to Afghanistan if they demand them,' he said.
One security analyst, retired Brigadier Syed Mehmood Shah, said peace could be found if the government disarmed the militants: 'The agreement should be given a chance.'
But another said the Swat militants were part of an expanding network.
'There is no comprehensive counter-insurgency strategy from the military or government. They are not taking it seriously,' said Khadim Hussain of the Aryana Institute think-tank.
Pakistan Observer
Who gained from Baloch leaders’ murder?
Mohammad Jamil
"They do not understand that the gas and mineral resources in Baluchistan belong to the people of Baluchistan, and the royalties should, therefore, be spent on the welfare of the people by the provincial government, and minerals and gas found in the area belonging to Sardar is property of the people of Balochistan and not their personal property of sardars."
Dear Mr. Mohammad Jamil,
Ref. the above:-
The Baloch leaders have been murdered by the Punjabi army because they are saying that the gas and mineral resources in Baluchistan belong to the people of Baluchistan, and that the royalties should, therefore, be spent on the welfare of the people by the provincial government.
What you are saying about the "dead" are not only lies but are inhumane when Baluchistan is in "mourning".
Mohammad Jamil you are a Punjabi indeed. You have no shame or honour.
Punjab the beman, the big fat pig province of Pakistan.
Out of the other ethnicities, the Baloch people have suffered the most under an administration dominated by Punjabis.
The region of Balochistan is mostly waste land covered by deserts and uncultivable land. However this area is also rich in mineral reserves such as natural gas and petroleum.
In fact, 90% of Pakistan’s energy requirements are met by the natural reserves of the province of Balochistan.
But the irony is that this province does not even get 5% of the electricity produced from the land in this region. So much for Islamic/Pakistani brotherhood!
The per capita income of Balochistan is next to zilch when compared to Punjab.
Balochistan has hardly any schools or colleges except in the capital city of Quetta. The Baloch people have to travel great distances even to get basic necessities such as water and food supplies.
There are hardly any roads or major railway links in Balochistan. Most Baloch people have to work as migrant labourers in the more developed cities of Karachi and Islamabad.
The Pakistani Army rape women and young girls, kill non-combatants; in general terms, they spread misery amongst the Baloch population.
It is not as if the Civil or Military Administration is unaware of these facts. On the other hand, the Administration fully supports these cruel techniques used by the Pakistani Army to subdue the Baloch.
This is actually a return gift from the Pakistani Administration for the audacity of asking for the basic human rights by the Baloch.
There are no technical institutions where people from Balochistan can pursue education, which would enable them to achieve a respectable status. All the work in the various military or civilians are assigned to non-local labour.
This is not done because the Baloch people are lazy or unable to do work. Rather this is being done to add to the depravity of the already suffering people of Balochistan.
The Baloch people who are not so religious, but are however fiercely independent in spirit were ultimately fed up with the Punjabi-led administration decided to rebel against it.
Even though there is a long history of rebellion of the Baloch people against the evil Pakistani Administration, I will confine myself to a recent event that has become epoch in the history of Balochistan.
I will tell you the short story of Nawab Akbar Bughti. He was a man who once believed in the nation of Pakistan and even occupied several important positions in the Pakistani administration unlike most of his Baloch brothers who were not so lucky.
When he came back to his native place, he was really appalled to see the barbarity with which the Pakistani army treated the Baloch people. He could no longer tolerate the injustice and decided to fight the oppression.
He fought, to secure basic Human rights for his people. The Pakistani Administration decided that this impudent Baloch, who had the guts to ask for equal rights, should also be given a return gift. He was bombed in his house, which was actually a cave, in the middle of night.
This was a warning for the rest of the Baloch people to shut up or suffer similar consequences.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Now the Pakistani administration has found a new way of subduing the Baloch. They have started colonising the Baloch land in bits and pieces to establish colonies of Punjabi ex-army men in order to destabilize the ethnic balance of the area.
To add to the woes of the Baloch, Afghan refugees have also been provided habitations in the Baloch land. This was hardly done out of compassion for the refugees, why not house them in Punjab?
The real reason was to turn the native population of Balochistan into minorities. This way, they are being gradually subdued with ease.
While the Western Media chooses to cherry pick the events in Pakistan, we seldom get to hear the moans and cries of these unfortunate people, caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.
As I write this article, there might be a Baloch woman being molested by the Army of Pakistan, a child being beaten up for being who he is.
Nobody will ever be able to assess the exact extent of the atrocities the Pakistani Administration has committed upon the Baloch people.
I really don’t understand why the media of the free world chooses to ignore a Human tragedy which occurs everyday in a country as well known as Pakistan.
I also wonder why the Western leaders don’t ask the Pakistani administration as to why these people are suffering so much even after the billions of dollars in Aid.
Where has gone now the so-called Shariah which Ansar Abbasi was trying to defend while defending Sufi Muhammad, Flogging and Taliban while reciting Quranic Verses of Surah-e-Nur from Quran and what a fun he was reciting Surah Nur Verses to an Unveiled [BAYPARDAH] GEOTV News READER [I wonder where have gone the verses of Quran regarding Veil].. Red the confusion and do read the double talk of Ansar Abbasi. I wonder would he defend his hero CJ Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry or Shairah of Deobandi Taliban - Sufi Muhammad and Tehreek-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan.
2 news of The News International in clash with each other, Ansar Abbasi should drag his editor in the Court of Shariah Law for the Balsphemy or should Ansar Abbasi approach Supreme Court for suo moto against Rampant Mullahs of Deoband.
Govt still in control of Swat Thursday, April 16, 2009 By Ansar Abbasi
ISLAMABAD: The Nizam-e-Adl Regulation (NAR) 2009 envisages no role whatsoever for the Taliban or the Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) in the running of the new justice system introduced there.
Contrary to the general perception that Swat has been surrendered to the Taliban and different sects of the religion and minorities would be at the receiving end under the new dispensation, the NAR 2009 clearly protects all Muslim sects and minorities from being tried under laws that do not match their respective faith.
These regulations also undoubtedly declare that Qazis of all the courts would be appointed by the NWFP government and that these judges are required to be “duly appointed judicial officers”. There is an impression amongst many that the Taliban would appoint their choice men as Qazis in Swat and the Malakand division.
The whole justice system revolves around the government-appointed Qazis and Qazi courts or the appellate bodies; the police; civil magistracy; and the complainant/defendant or accused/prosecutor. For out-of-court settlement, the NAR 2009 provides for “musleheen”, who would decide minor cases like a Jirga system but only with the agreement of both the parties.
What, however, the NAR 2009 emphasises is to ensure quick justice and a system where for delays in the disposal of cases not only the Qazis would be questioned but those parties trying to unnecessarily drag the case would be made to pay the cost of the case to the other party as it happens in the western capitals.
The NAR 2009, which is the replica of the regulations agreed in 1994 and 1998 for Swat by Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif governments, respectively, is not an attempt at imposing one particular Muslim sect’s interpretation of Shariah laws on all.
In the “Definitions” part, the NAR explains: “In the application to the personal law of any Muslim sect, the expression ‘the holy Qura’an and Sunnah’ shall mean the Qura’an and Sunnah-e-Nabvi (PBUH) as interpreted by that sect.
With regard to minorities, the NAR also clarifies that cases of non-Muslims in matters of adoption, divorce, dowry, inheritance, marriage, usage and wills shall be conducted and decided in accordance with their respective personal laws.
About the Qazi, it says, “Qazi” means a duly appointed judicial officer. The new judicial system in Swat would have court of executive magistrates, court of Illaqa Qazi; court of Asía Illaqa Qazi; court of Izafi Zila Qazi and court of Zila Qazi, precisely in the same pattern as we have different tiers of district courts in settled areas. Above these courts, Dar-ul-Qaza, which would be equivalent to high court, and Dar-ul-Dar-ul-Qaza, the apex judicial authority equivalent to the Supreme Court, would be created in the same region.
These Qazis would have same powers as their contemporaries enjoy in regular courts in settled areas but they would be bound to proceed within the limits set by the principles of Shariah. Just like what happens in other parts of Pakistan, the police would submit challan in each criminal case before the relevant Qazi court within 14 days of the lodging of an FIR. In addition, the copy of the FIR would also be provided to the Qazi court within 24 hours of its registration. Police in Swat are also bound to keep the judiciary posted about the progress of its investigations.
The Qazis and magistrates are bound by the NAR to follow established principles of Qura’an and Sunnah and recognised opinions of Fuqaha of Islam. There is no room for the Taliban’s interpretation of Islam or Shariah in these regulations.
To ensure quick justice, the NAR bounds the courts to decide the cases, whether of criminal or civil nature, within a stipulated time period and clearly warned: “No adjournment shall be granted to either party in any civil or criminal proceedings, except where the court is satisfied that adjournment is unavoidable. In such case the requesting party shall deposit the costs in court, which shall not be less than two thousand rupees.”
A period of not more than six month for disposal of civil case, and a period of not more than four months for disposal of criminal case, shall be standard time schedule for both the Qazi and executive magistracy courts. In case of any delay, the Qazi is bound to report the cause and reasons of such delays to Zila Qazi or to the presiding officer of Dar-ul-Qaza as the case may be. Upon examination of causes of delay if the Zila Qazi or presiding officer of Dar-ul-Qaza feels that the delay has been caused due to delaying tactics of a party, it shall impose a cost to be recovered from the defaulter party and direct the court concerned to dispose of the case within an extended period of not more than one month.
If a Qazi or executive magistrate is found responsible for delays, letter of displeasure would be issued to him by his superior authority. And if a Qazi is served with three letters of displeasure in a year, then after providing him the opportunity of being heard may make an entry in his service record. An appeal against the decision of Qazi or magistrate court would be disposed of within 30 days whereas any degree shall be executed within two months.
In case the pending cases in any Qazi or executive magistrate court exceeds more than 200 days, the government would establish a new court to ensure dispensation of justice within prescribed time schedule.
For out-of-court settlement, any civil or criminal case, subject to the mutual consent of the parties, may be referred by a court to Musleh or Musleheen before recording of evidence either on the agreement of the parties regarding the names of such Musleh or Musleheen or in case of their disagreement, to such Musleh or Musleheen whose names appear on the list maintained by the court for such purpose.
The government authorities are presently preparing rules under these regulations, under which each union council/village would constitute a body of elders, Ulema, etc., to be called Musleheen for out-of-court settlement of minor cases or those to be referred by the Qazi court with the consent of all the parties concerned.
‘Qazis’ verdict can’t be challenged in SC’ Thursday, April 16, 2009 By our correspondent
Sufi says appeals ‘tantamount to betrayal of Islam’
BATKHELA/MINGORA: Tanzeem Nifaz Shariat-e-Muhammadi (TNSM) chief Maulana Sufi Muhammad on Wednesday said the Qazi courts would dispose of cases in line with Shariah and their verdicts could not be challenged in the high court or the Supreme Court, but a Darul Qaza would be set up at the divisional level as a final court.
He said Shariah was a system that guaranteed peace and hoped that the Nizam-e-Adl Regulation’s implementation would ensure durable peace in Swat.Addressing a press conference at the Bilal Masjid in the Amandara area of Batkhela, Sufi Muhammad said challenging the Qazi courts’ verdicts in the high court or the Supreme Court of Pakistan would be tantamount to betrayal of Islam.
“The judicial system here (Malakand division) will be different from the rest of the country. Here, all the cases will be settled in the Qazi courts in accordance with Shariah,” he said and added that a Darul Qaza would be set up at the divisional level, so that the people did not have to move the high court or the Supreme Court.
He said once the Darul Qaza was established, Qazis would be installed in Upper Dir, Lower Dir, Buner, Shangla, Malakand Agency, Chitral and Kohistan in the next phase.“With the signing of the Nizam-e-Adl, all the judges in the old judicial system have been made non-functional and now, only those judges having command on Shariah will be appointed,” he said.
Administratively, he claimed, the Darul Qaza would be under the government, but it would have no control on it as far as the judicial affairs were concerned.He said the TNSM public meeting, scheduled for April 19 at Grassy Ground, Mingora, would prove a landmark for the restoration of peace in the valley. He asked the people from across the division to participate in it.
Responding to a question regarding laying down arms by the militants, he said: “Shariah itself guarantees peace.” Lauding efforts by the ANP-led NWFP government, Maulana Sufi Muhammad said the TNSM would extend all-out support to the government to bring back normalcy. “The ANP proved that it is an Islam- and people-friendly force,” he said.
Meanwhile, talking to reporters after a meeting with Sufi Muhammad, Minister for Safron Najmuddin Khan hoped that enforcement of the Nizam-e-Adl would bring durable peace to the Malakand division, particularly Swat.
Being the long-standing demand of the people, the judicial system was implemented and at the moment, all the decisions would be taken in line with Shariah by the authorised Shariah courts. He made it clear that Islam guaranteed women’s rights.
Backing Sufi Muhammad’s assertion, NWFP Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain, who was also in the town to meet the TNSM chief, said the Qazi courts’ decision could only be challenged in the Darul Qaza.
He urged people from all segments of society to extend their support for the implementation of the regulation. He hoped for the return of tranquillity to Swat.Iftikhar claimed to have categorically told Sufi Muhammad that after the enforcement of the Nizam-e-Adl, those who would continue brandishing guns would be considered rebels.
Meanwhile, unidentified assailants took away 643 tola of gold at gunpoint from a bank manager, who was shifting it from the Chuperial area of Matta to the National Bank of Pakistan in the district headquarters, Mingora.
I don't think why people publish wrong thing about Sharia.
Sharia is not taliban made law.
Sharia is Rules who provide me our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for Muslim sociaty.
I don't know talban sharia, I know Muhammad (PBUH) laws, These laws have solutions for our problems.
west condem Islamic rules, its okkk.
but don't think why in pakistan 1 or 2% peoples against islamic rules.
These are those who don't want to implement Islamic rules in Pakisatn.
Every muslim have right and responsibility for implement Sharia in his sociaty.
@ Farhan
To hell with Talibani Shariat !
To hell with the Shariat which allows beheadings of innocent people !
To hell with the Shariat which allows destructions of school !
To hell with the Shariat which allows suicide bombings in mosques, funeral prayers and in public places !
To hell with the Shariat which allows public flogging of women !
To hell with the Shariat which allows hypocrisy !
To hell with the Shariat which allows violence !
To hell with the Shariat which allows destruction of sufis' shrines !
Murdabad Talibans & their supporters!!!
Murdabad Talibani/Shaetani Shariat !!!
Anonymous said...
@ Farhan
You are entitled to your views but:
In Pakhtu, the word "Talib" means a student and Talibs were very much respected for their knowledge/efforts to learn & teach Islam.
It is sade to see what Pakistan/ISI have done to the Pakhtun way of life.
There was Sharia Law in Swat 100's of years before Pakistan and NEVER has there been flogging of women.
Sharia laws do have solutions for our problems.
The only way to truly be at peace is to ban/outlaw ALL religion. In every country. Hang and burn anyone who is weak minded enough to need a god... RELIGION IS POISON!!!!
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