Daily Express, 21 January 2009
Video confession
Imran Khan owns up his statement in 'Kal Tak' a TV program hosted by Javed Chaudhry on 21 January 2009.
An example of Taliban's shariat
Once Imran Khan wrote an article on selective observation of Islam. It seems that he himself wants to select a portion of shariat that suits his political (or religio-political) expediency while ignoring the portion that might put his own neck under the shariat sword.
We have a question. How many lashes for Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan?
Yeh Jo Halka Halka Saroor Hay...
N. Khan Says:
January 22, 2009
Would Imran Khan like to impose shariat on his past (Sita White for example) as well as on his present (the fact that his own sons are being raised by a woman who was once a Jew, then converted to Islam, then converted to God knows what;who dates freely with men such as Hugh Grant, Guy Ritchie etc. Jemima made headlines over the past three years for her high profile relationship with actor Hugh Grant, although the latest reports indicate the couple called it quits after three years together, and Ritchie is the new man).
So, save a little bit of shariat for your own sons, Mr. Imran Khan.
Muhammad Usman Says:
January 21st, 2009
HazratMaulana Imran Khan announced SHARIAT will be implemented. Well done.
ashahid01 Says:
January 21st, 2009 at 10:56 pm
O God, either raise us to yourself or this government of utterly incompetent, crooked and unscrupulous people.
This government has taken the incompetence to a level never known before. General Kiyani, Please put us out of our misery and call for a new election. These shameless people will rip this country to the pieces and still beat their chest with democracy and continue fooling this nation.
bechari-awam Says:
January 22nd, 2009 at 12:16 am
“…General Kiyani, Please put us out of our misery and call for a new election…”
if this is the level of political maturity of our PTI supporters then IK should concentrate more on becoming the chairman of PCB instead of PTI. btw how you guarantee this time that kiyani will not deceive you the same way mushi did i.e. if instead of installing IK as PM, he again starts talking to shujaat and party.
Ghost Of TK #
January 22nd, 2009 at 1:33 am
@ashahid01: “General Kiyani, Please put us out of our misery and call for a new election.”
Aren’t you the guy who was claiming the other day that you are a PTI supporter?
Is this PTI official policy or just an un-informed personal wish?
Do you know that Chief of Army Staff is a 22 grade officer of Pakistan bureaucracy and has NO AUTHORITY UNDER THE CONSTITUTION to “call for a new election.”
I would however refrain from berating PTI simply because they are suffering from agency infiltrators precisely because their organization is hopelessly weak and undemocratic.
It would behoove senior and well known (aka brown on both cheeks) PTI apologists supporters to correct such reckless statements before a general sense develops that “Herr Chairman” is ready to once again board the Omnibus of another military dictator, COAS, a government servant, who has NO POWER (Legal, Constitutionl or Moral) to interfere in the political process of this nation.
Perhaps the esteemed members are too busy defending Nizam-e-Mustapha right now. Priorities… ya know!
Muhammad Usman Says:
January 22nd, 2009 at 2:33 am
Shariat walay logon ko mars pe chaley jana chahey.
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Thursday, 22 January 2009
Imran Khan demands the imposition of shariat in Pakistan
Imran Khan,
Taliban supporter,
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Shame on such Muslims......
Why are you worried about sharia because you are addcited to drugs,sex,wine and corruption?
The problem with non practiccing muslims is they are addicted to evils and if some one has called for implementing sharia,you are becoming concerned about that...
As far Imran is concerned,he is practicing Islam in his life...
I again would say shame on such Muslims
By name no one becomes Muslim,you must have the heart of MUslim
well done Imran,you have corrected yourself and raised a good issue
Solution lies in Islam
To N.Khan
Your topic makes me say that uneducation itself is the biggest sin.
You started off your topic by asking Imran to implement sharia on his past,what no sense.Can sharia be implemented on past?You had better go to some psychatrist.And secondly,why our dear Prophet did not ask Hazarat Umer to implement sharia on his past as Umer too did not have good past? Holy prophet rather asked Umer to implement sharia in life....
You realy need to go some psychatrist
God Show such right path
"Paki", while I do not necessarily agree with N.Khan's rhetoric, I find your comparison of Imran Khan's past with Hazrat Umer interesting. By the way, you did not comment on Imran Khan's present, i.e. to leave his sons under the training of Jemima Khan. Is that as per shariat?
In 'Kal Tak' programme with Javed Chaudhry on 21 January 2009, Imran Khan owned his statement (to implement shariat in Pakistan). He expressed his intention to implement the shariat model of Khilafat-e-Rashidah in Pakistan.
Watch at (minute: second) 10:10
Here is one specimen from the Khilafat-e-Rashidah:
Hazrat Umar (RA) had his son lashed to the point of death for drinking alcohol (Makiya 2001: 147).
Makiya, Kanan. 2001. The Rock: A Tale of Seventh Century Jerusalem, NY, Pantheon/Random House.
According to a biography of Umar (Ra) written, by Prof; Masud Ul Hasan. Umar (RA) flogged his son to death for drunkeness yes and this is the same version that is mentioned in the first post. and Imam Anwar al awlaki mentions it in his lecture on Hazrat Umar Al Farooq (RA).
His son Abu Shahma (RA) went to Egypt, whilst in the company of friends he joined in the drinking. The following day he fell remorse. And went to the governor
of Egypt Amr ibn al As, and told him that he Drunk and therefore deserved the shari punishment, for using intoxicants.
Hazrat Amar ibn al As, said, since he felt remorse and repented the punishment was not required. Abu Shama (RA) insisted that he be punished, So Amar ibn al As, carried bout the punishment, of lashing in the compound, of the house. The normal punishment was public flogging.
News reached Umar al Farooq (RA) in Medina that his son had been punished for drinking, but the punishment had been carried out behind close doors. Umar al farooq (RA) he was enraged and sent the following letter to Amar ibn Al As.
"O Amr bin Al Aas it has come to my notice that you have been derelict in the performance of your duty. you have shown undue favour to AbU Shahma by awarding him punishment in your house rather than at a public place. You were apparently moved by the consideration that he is my son. You should know that in such matters I cannot tolerate any concession to a person on the groun that he ios related to me. as soon as you get this letter send Abu Shama to Medina on a naked camel."
On the Journey to medina Abu Shahma who was already weak from the flogging fell ill, when reached Medina he could hardly walk.
Hadrat Umar Al Farooq (RA), was furious and made arrangements for his son to be flogged in Public. Abdul Rehman ibn Awf (RA) pleaded that as Punishishment had already been carried out no further punishment was necessary.
Whilst Abu Shama said that he was suffering and Punishment should be deferred to a later date. Umar al Farooq (RA) brushed aside the protests and Abu Shama was flogged in public. He fell unconcious and died a short while later.
Sarah,does Islam ask the father to keep the childs away from mother?The only reason behind they are staying in UK with their mom is their education.They do come to pakistan and stay with Imran and once Imran mentioned on TV that they would represent pakistan everywhere.Now point is there should have been objection on Imran's sons stay in UK,if they were doing something against Islam and its teachings.
@ Paki
According to you "You started off your topic by asking Imran to implement sharia on his past,what no sense.Can sharia be implemented on past?"
Yes why can't Sharia Laws be imposed on Hazart Moulana Imran Khan AKA CLEAN-SHAVE MOULVI.
I believe Imran Khan is by birth muslim and Sharia Laws must be imposed on his past as in past he was muslim. You are wrongly citing Hazar Umar's example as of course sharia laws can't be imposed on a muslim convert's past, now what do you think PAKI ????
If Moulve Imran Khan has done anything against Sharia laws then he must be punished before he can wish to be the AMEER-UL-MOMANEEN IMRAN KHAN !!!!
Iwant to ask you, why does sharia only revolves around sex, music, and etc. The problem in the muslim world is, people try to impose their Islam on other people. By the Imran never said that he will ban music, or ban sex. What he was saying was Pakistan needs independent, and strong justice system. By the way you wouldn't want to live under that system either.
To Mzia8925
What has made you assume that sharia to us revolves around evils you mentioned in your post?I mentioned these evils as they are among the bissgest hurdles in the way of implementing sharia due to the fact our ruling class is quite used to praticing them.Sharia revolves around all aspects of life,of course.
I am here supporting Imran ,jani.I am his supporter .You are mistaken.
To Absoulte Atheist
You must have realised the fact that Imran has corrected himself .As far as his past is concerned,what proof does anyone have that he was involved in evils?It were his scandals which became headlines in media and even these scandals seem to be fabricated.What do you think of the glory and reverence he had in past beacuse of the fact he has rendered so many services to this society?
This should be not an issue for us.The issue rather should be,we all should support the imposition of sharia in pakistan and cross all the husrdles in this way.
“You must have realised the fact that Imran has corrected himself” Hmmmmm who has told you that IK has corrected himself??? Have you received any divine revelation about Hazart Moulana Imran Khan aka Clean-Shaven Moulvi that his life’s phase of PLAYBOY is over and now he is eligible to become AMEER-UL-MOMANEEN and can enforce Sharia in Pakistan !!! What about Shari’I punishment for his wrong deeds ????
Regarding his past Mr. Paki please note “whenever there is smoke there must be a fire” why there were so many scandals about lose character of your IK the world renowned “Paki-PLAYBOY”--- hope u understand what is meant by this term ----- For your kind information he didn’t opt for paternity test to deny Sita White’s claim that he was father of her their i.e. Clean-Shaven Moulvi Imran Khan + Sita White’s love-child Tyrian!!!! And court gave verdict in favour of Ms. Sita White that IK was father of Tyrian, please check it out yourself http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/my-political-
-- I understand Mr. Paki does not need rocket-science to infer what this act of--- our proud supporter of Taliban and their so called Sharia –-- Imran Khan means!!! It means Moulvi Imran Khan commited Zina !!! and now he wants to impose Taliban’s Sharia on poor Pakistanis !!!!!!
Regarding “The issue rather should be,we all should support the imposition of sharia in Pakistan” Hey, Paki which Sharia --- Sunni, Shia, Ismaili, Ahmadi, Hanafi, Malaki, Hanbali, Shafai’I, Barelvi, Deobandi, Ahl-e-Hadith, Wahabi’s etc etc PLEASE EXPLAIN TO US. As We have got veriety of Sharias --- Ooopss I forgot AMEER – UL- Momineen Hazarat Mulla Omar, Will he allow a Clean-Shaven Moulvi i.e IK to become Ameer-ul-Momineen in Pakistan ??????
Do u know what does atheist mean?It means that you don't know whether God exists or not....What I can say is,you don't have moral authority to comment on sharia....
Now let me ask you a question,what kind of Islam was preached by our prophet?Islam is islam,there is no shia Islam so is the case with kinds of islam you mentioned...You seem to be struggling to find the difference between sects in terms of their interpretation about Islam.people have got different interpretations but the difference exists on little issues which are of no importance and has got nothing to do with sharia.people belonging to all sects have got the same version of justice system in Islam so is the case with equality,honesty ,truth and every aspect of life......
I have come across this issue many times reagarding self made different kinds of islam,but the fact is people coming up with such things are oblivious to islamic tachings.
There is only one Islam...can u answer what kind of Islam our dear prophet was following?He followed Islam,it wasn't shia one,sunni one or anything else....
As you don't anything about Islam,so How can u know anything about Imran?
@ Paki
1- “Do u know what does atheist mean? It means that you don't know whether God exists or not....” Mr. Paki – You are wrong an Atheist is a person who doesn’t believe in god. Please check this out -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheism
2- “What I can say is,you don't have moral authority to comment on sharia....”
Mr. Paki instead of replying to my arguments you are attacking on my beliefs!! This is a logical fallacy and it’s called ad hominem argument ---http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem—I understand we are not discussing existence of god or whether Islam is a true religion or not. We are discussing whether a person who is muslim by birth and in past did something which are considered in Islam as “ Gunah-e- Kabira” . Now that very person i.e. Clean-Shaven Moulvi Imran Khan wants to impose those Sharia Laws which he has not bother to impose on himself. The question here is whether IK is above Sharia Laws ??? Why can’t people like Mr. Paki question hypocritical behaviour of IK ?? IK is clean-shaven and got education from Oxford but supports Talibans who have so far blown-up hundreds of schools and barber-shops in Swat and Fata.
Think over it Mr. Paki !!
3- “Now let me ask you a question,what kind of Islam was preached by our prophet?Islam is islam,there is no shia Islam so is the case with kinds of islam you mentioned...” This is absolute non-sense and this type of rhetoric can only be expected from a supporter of Clean-Shaven Moulvi IK and his mentors Qazi Hussain Ahmed and General Hamid Gul !!! How can we deny that there are various interpretations and groupings within Islamic thought. You may call them sects or fiqh, but can a sane person deny that there is no Shia-Sunni, Barelvi-Deobandi, and even Ahl-e-Hadith – Deobandi conflicts within muslim community. Every sect of Islam claims to be the right one and others as heretics.
Hundreds of thousands of muslims have so far been killed by other muslims of differing sects. Interestingly these infights were also termed as Jihad !!!
Mr. Paki I’m 110% sure that you must be believing that the Islam or fiqh you practice is the same which was preached by Prophet!!!! I have no problem with that until you don’t start to declare persons as heretics just because they don’t practice YOUR-BRAND-OF-ISLAM !!!!
4- “people have got different interpretations but the difference exists on little issues which are of no importance and has got nothing to do with sharia…..”
Dear Paki, I don’t think there are little issues about interpretations of Sharia.
The bloody history of conflicts between different sects of Islam tells us a different story. Why hardline Deobandies+Wahabies don’t offer prayers in Bravelvi+Shia mosques ?? I also don’t think on the basis of little issues Fatwas of Kufr can be issued !! Please open up your eyes Mr. Paki !!!
5- “As you don't anything about Islam,so How can u know anything about Imran?” --- Very well-said Mr. Paki, what I understand from this argument is that that only Moulvi Qazi Hussain or Moulvi Gen Hamid Gul can critcise Moulvi Imran Khan because only they know and understand Islam very well !!!! LOL !!
Dear Paki, you seem to be a very hard-nut, but I hope I’ve made some cracks.
Enough for now.
Bye and peace for all !
To Absolute Atheist
1-According to Cambridge dictionary,atheist means "someone who believes that God or gods do not exist".The majority of atheists are found in china,japan,thailand and areas in surroundings of this region.
2-For any Muslim,Islam starts with the belief in fist 'Kalma'.And first Kalma means "There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is the last prophet of Allah".What I wrote down in first post,I meant that you are sure about existance of God how you can comment on Islam which starts with the urge to believe in oneness of Allah.It obviously means that accepting fist kalma is the first step towards correcting yourslef and believing in the teahings of Islam.
You nowhere mentioned what's harm in being cleanshaved and what Islam says about clean-shaved Muslims.
Is getting education from oxford a sin?There is another misunderstanding about Imran Khan in your mind,it seems you are beileving in MQM as they are the ones who are calling him Taliban's supporter.
Imran Khan has always differed on the strategy of curbing terrorism and Imran says curbing terrorism is possible only through dialogues.
And Imran seems to be right as after more than 5 years we have failed to curb terrorism by force and it has only spread to the settled areas of Pakistan.
3-As far sects violence is concerned,there is only onething which has played its role which is illiteracy.this kind of violence has got something to do with uneducation and poverty.And don't forget the war between Iran and Iraq was ignited bu USA so foreign hand has always been found behind this kind of violence.
4-I have seen many times shias in Bralevis mosque saying their prayer.What do u think of Hajj?During Hajj,people belonging to all sects get together and say prayer.I again would say we are divided as Muslims as we are uneducated or little educated.Hence,this division has got to do with our education,self interests.
5-you have again resorted on misunderstanding.If Imran is so much fond of Qazi,then why did not he join JI??
Yes,Imran is with Qazi only on one point of agenda which restoration of judges and independence of juidicary.Whenever Qazi will stop talking or supporting this agena,you would see Imran parting ways with Qazi.
Ok take care
Bye and peace for all!
@ Paki....
1- I’ve already informed you what does Atheist mean. Atheists are found world over and even in Pakistan there are lot of people who do not believe in god or religion.
2- Paki, I may be an expert on Islam and for that it’s not necessary for me to practice Islam as well! i.e. an atheist, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, agnostic, or even Jew can do PhD in Islamic Studies and Islamic History, can’t they ???
What I’ve been arguing doesn’t require me to be a good and pious Muslim, got it Mr. Paki !
“You nowhere mentioned what's harm in being clean-shaven and what Islam says about clean-shaved Muslims.” Hmmmm dear as far as I know all mullahs sport beards ! i.e. it’s an obligation for muslims to grow beard.
Can you name a few Mullahs who don’t have beards !! well there are off-course moulvis like Imran Khan and Hamid Gul !! But don’t you think it’s a contradiction in their preaching and practice. Both of these guys support Taliban and support imposition of Sharia Laws, still they shake hands with foreign ladies + shave their faces + wear western clothings etc etc. Don’t think all these acts prove that these persons are actually hypocrite !!!
3- “As far sects violence is concerned,there is only onething which has played its role which is illiteracy” , dear you haven’t answer my question which sects’ sharia laws be imposed on poor Pakistanis once Moulvi Imran Khan becomes Ameer ul Momineen ??? you agree that there have been continuous sectarian fights within muslim community right after the death of Prophet Mohammad. By the way Iran-Iraq war was not fought on the basis of sect as majority of both Iran and Iraq is Shia !!!!
4- By having mosques on the basis of sect is in itself a proof that differences amongst sects are not little and sectarian clashes and polemics are not taken places on pity matters. ---- “I again would say we are divided as Muslims as we are uneducated or little educated.Hence,this division has got to do with our education” ---- so dear Paki…. Your IK then wait until Pakistani society is educated enough for the imposition of Sharia…. Otherwise unilateral imposition of Deobandi, Wahabi, Brelvi, Shia, Ahl-e-Hadith, Ahmadi, Shafi’I, Malaki, Hanafi, etc etc Shariat will only creat FITNA. For your kind information Talibans are Wahabis and they killed thousands of Shias + Ismailis in Mazar-e-Sharif & Bamiyan in Afghanistan and now they are killing Brealvis in Khyber Agency+Sawat and Shias in Kurram Agency+Quetta+Dera Ismail Khan+Hangu purely on sectarian grounds. It’s really shameful on part of Qazi+Hamid Gul+ Imran Khan+ Nawaz Shariff and co. that they are making hue and cry over drone attacks but the don’t condemn Talibans !!!
5- “you have again resorted on misunderstanding.If Imran is so much fond of Qazi,then why did not he join JI??” ----- hmmm for that he needs to grow beard and that he can’t do as this act will repel women away from IK…. Just kidding!!! dear you’d better ask that question from IK as he will definitely be very fit in JI ….. both PTI and JI got support from ISI. Everyone knows that Mufti Gen Hamid Gul is mentor of Imran Khan and Qazi Sb. ------ “Yes,Imran is with Qazi only on one point of agenda which restoration of judges and independence of juidicary.Whenever Qazi will stop talking or supporting this agena,you would see Imran parting ways with Qazi”----- excuse me dear, IK was also with Qazi Sb on 17th amendment ! his always seconds views of Qazi…. His views on Taliban are same as that of Qazi. By the way do you know what happened with IK in Punjab University last year …… he was beaten up by activists of Jamiat…… What happened next ????? Did he filed cases against activists of Jamiat ?? Did he use his filthy tongue against Jamiat on media ??? … NOPS !!!! WHY ????? ….. This proves my point, isnt’t it ?????
Bye and Peace for All !!
To Absolute Atheist
1-Whatever athiest means,none of my concern
2-well,Non Muslims can do Phd in Islamic studies but that doesn't guarantee that doing PhD can make them expert in Islam and its teachings.Untill one practices Islam and follows its teachings,he/she can not get into the soul of Islam and will struggle to find the truth.
As far as beard is concerned,what do think of Allama iqbal!iqbal did not have any beard.According to Ghamidi,a famous pakistani schoalr,having beard is a very nice but there is no obligation to have beard in Islam.please,don't rely on your misunderstanding.you had better watched "Jawab Deh" which was telecast on Geo news last sunday.Imran clearly in the programme mentions that taliban did not serve Islam as they were using force to make people follow islam."taliban brought peace in Afghanistan and justice and made Afganistan free of drugs,that shows that to Afghan scoiety they have done a lot of good things"Imran said in jawab deh.Imran is neither with taliban nor with Mush-Bush team.
3- majority of Iraq are not shias,yes Iran has majority of shias.USA wanted to have sunni government in Iraq whereas Iran was looking for shia govt so this lead to war between Iran and Iraq.It realy had a lot to with sects.
There is only one Islam that would be imposed in pakistan which was preached by Holy Prophet.
4-having different mosques shows that we muslims are uneducated as was the case with chrisitians before Queen Elizabeth1 came into power and sorted out issues.
5-let me correct you factually,in 2002 election PTI was downsized by ISI as Imran parted ways with Musharaf.Muhammed Ali Durrani and Kashmala Tarique along with may others were initialy part of PTI but ISI forced them to join PML Q.
You even don't know Imran voted against 17th Ammendment.Imran voted Amin Fahim in Premier election when Amin was competiting with Maulana Fazal Ur rehman and Shaukat Aziz.
Why did he vote Amin fahim when Qazi was supporting Fazal ur rehman who was part of his own party,then MMA?????????
My two cents:
1- That's right as religion is everyone's personal matter.
2- I don't think it's necessary for one to first become muslim just to know the laws of Islams i.e. Shariah. Laws are laws and for me a non-muslim expert of Islam i.e. who's got formal educaion of islamic studies and jurisprudence can better understand Shariah laws than an ignorant muslim moulvi !
Well, allama iqbal didn't have beard but he did have moustaches, but your leader Clean-Shaven Moulvi even doesn't have moustaches and still he wants to impose Shariah on poor pakistanis !!
Your hypocrite leader moulvi Imran praises Talibans for doing good things like banning drugs and bringing peace to Afghanistan . Well, dear Paki it is a myth created by ISI and hypocrite agents on ISI’s payroll like Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Imran Khan and Gen. Hamid Gul. Taliban regime was infact founded on fear and funded on drugs’ trade.
Talibans with the help of ISI and Pakistan Army captured almost 90% of Afghanistan by 1996 and they did not not ban drugs cultivation until July 2000. According to some analyst that ban was in fact a tactical move to increase prices of opium in international markets. Nowadays Taliban bastards in Afghanistan fully support drug trade in those areas where they are in power.
Taliban massacred thousands of Hazara people in Mazar-e-Sharif and Bamiyan. They totally banned female education. And women were even not allowed to come outside their homes without a male family member. Still psychos like Imran Khan praises Talibans for their good deeds. Shame on you moulvi Imran Khan !
3- “majority of Iraq are not shias,” ----- hmmm Paki you are proving yourself a die hard supporter of Moulvi Imran Khan as he is a very expert liar and tells lies with confidence. Whole world is convinced that around 60% to 65% population of Iraq is Shia and you are still claiming that Shias are not in majority in Iraq !!!
Would really appreciate if you quote your source of information but it should not be either Gen. Hamid Gul or Moulvi Imran Khan !!
----“There is only one Islam that would be imposed in pakistan which was preached by Holy Prophet.” ---- Well, what I understand Moulvi Imran Khan is Wahabi (that’s why he supports Talibans) and according to Wahabies their brand of Islam is only true Islam and was practiced by Prophet of Islam and other sects are heretics.
So, we can assume that Moulvi Imran Khan will impose Wahabi Shariah on Pakistani People. I also understand majority of muslim living in Pakistan belong to Brelvi sect and I don’t think they will accept Moulvi Imran Khan’s Wahabi Shariat !
4- “having different mosques shows that we muslims are uneducated” ---- hmmm I’m sure Moulvi Imran Khan and his followers like you are only educated people in Pakistan rest of the people are Jahils ! BTW for me there is no harm if muslims have their mosques on the basis of their sects, however problem starts when violent sects like Wahabies, Salfies, Deobandies declare followers of peaceful sects like Brelvis, Shia, Ismailis and Ahmedis as heretics and start killing them even in mosques !
5- I congratulate you Paki, as you’ve become a very good liar like your leader Imran Khan !
---- “Imran voted Amin Fahim in Premier election when Amin was competiting with Maulana Fazal Ur rehman and Shaukat Aziz.” ---- This is totally non-sense and a big lie, as Moulvi Imran Khan caste vote in favour of Moulan Fazal ur Rehman.
----- “PTI was downsized by ISI as Imran parted ways with Musharaf.” ----- hmmm ISI created PTI then why Imran Khan parted ways with ISI ?? and why did Imran Khan support Musharraf’s martial law in the first place if he was a champion of democracy ??? Why Imran Khan remained silent when Gen. Musharraf forced judges to take fresh oath under PCO ???
Now You have shown your ignorance and it seems you are not well versed with the facts.
1-You even did not know that elections were held two times for premiere office during PML Q tenure of 5 years.
Imran Khan voted Fazal first time when he was competing Jamali because of the fact he had to go against MUSH.
When elections were held second time Imran voted Amin Fahim when he was competing Shaukat Aziz and Fazal.The reason behind Imran did not vote Fazal was that MMA supported MUSH for 17th Amendment.
Hence it proves that you were refering to a news which was about first election.You need to educate yourself.
2-In Islam,shaving moustache is considered as Sunna but of course beard shoud be there.Islam clearly asks Muslims either to shave them or cut down their weight.
The above paragraph clearly shows that you even don't know basic of Islam.You were just giving ur opion on the basis of assumption that's why I intially wrote down that a non Muslim is bound to be mistaken about Islam.
Have you ever studied Psychology?
If you have not then you had better either study it or go to Psychologist as he/she might help you understand that to get to the facts of anything you must have intense desire for that;As a non muslim doesn't have that much intensity abou islam that's why I say non muslims can understand its bottomlines.
Imran bycotted 2008 election in protest of PCO and Emergency,idiot.
Calamity of Imran Khan and Pakistan Justice Party
Why Imran Khan Supported Illegal Referendum of General Musharraf???
Update @ 0404: PTI Issues a Statement Condemning Imran Khan’s Arrest amongst other demands
@ Paki
---- "Now You have shown your ignorance and it seems you are not well versed with the facts."----
hmmmm I'm not Clean-Shaven Moulvi Imran Khan, therefore I can not claim to be all-knower and perfect !!
1- "Imran Khan voted Fazal first time when he was competing Jamali because of the fact he had to go against MUSH " ----
hmmm very well dear IK-lover, there was a third candidate too i.e. Shah Mahmood Qureshi of PPP !
To quote from BBC News
"Mr Jamali only just won an absolute majority of the house, receiving 172 out of 329 votes cast.
But he had a clear lead over candidates put up by the Islamic parties and the PPP.
Maulana Fazlur Rahman, a pro-Taleban Islamic cleric, got 86 votes while the Bhutto party nominee, Shah Mahmood Quereshi, got 70."
dear Paki what do you think of yourself a smart guy ? hunhh
Now tell me if your leader Moulvi Imran Khan just wanted to go against Musharraf he could have voted for Shah Mahmood Qureshi instead of voting for Mullah Fazlu !!!
Now let me quote some excerpts from Newsline
"Imran Khan's choice of candidate for prime minister has left many of his ardent fans, especially women, dumbfounded. The cricketer-turned-politician voted for Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal's nominee for premier, against the advise of many liberal and progressive members within his Tehrik-e-Insaaf (TI)"
"Khan has more than a soft corner for the ousted Afghan Taliban," a senior leader of his party said on the condition of anonymity. "He thinks that the orthodox religious militia did a great service to Afghanistan and Islam before they became a target of the Americans."
"Khan's vote for the pro-Taliban cleric has added to the political confusion within his party, which performed poorly in the October 10 elections. "It would have been understandable, had Imran voted for a candidate that was nominated jointly by the opposition," said a senior Tehrik-e-Insaaf leader. "But by voting for the MMA, he most certainly has lost his standing among the liberal, democratic and progressive elements in society."
Will the women's wing of the Tehrik-e-Insaaf, led by Jemima, Khan's British-born wife, endorse the Taliban-like interpretation of Islam? That remains a moot point.
Mairaj Mohammed Khan, the Tehrik-e-Insaaf's secretary general who has spent a lifetime advocating socialism and secular politics, finds it hard to defend the somersaults of the party leader, who has drifted from one extreme (of being pro-Musharraf) to the other extreme (of being anti-Musharraf) within a short span of time.
"Even we are finding it difficult to figure out the real Imran," quipped another of his Karachi-based leaders. "He dons the shalwar-kameez and preaches desi and religious values while in Pakistan, but transforms himself completely while rubbing shoulders with the elite in Britain and elsewhere in the west."
Many in the Tehrik-e-Insaaf would have preferred to see Imran abstain from the voting like the veteran Pakhtoonkhawa Milli Awami Party leader Mahmood Khan Achakzai.
"But such political maturity is perhaps too much to ask or expect of Imran," says a Karachi-based Tehrik-e-Insaaf leader and a close aide of Mairaj Mohammed Khan's. "It is understandable why people do not take Imran and his party seriously in politics," he said. "His self-righteousness and high-flying principles fail to explain the contradiction between his strange fondness for the maulanas and his passion for all the good things in life which have come from the west"
2- Thanks for your crappy arguments about beard.
Dear Paki I have no problem if IK remains clean-shaven and enjoys company of western women. However, I do have problem if Playboy IK all of a sudden on Gen. Hamid Gul's advice becomes a self-righteous leader. I do have problem with a person who is Clean-Shaven, has a playboy past and still gives us lectures on Islam and wants to impose Shariah !
For me IK is nothing but a hypocrite bigot at best !!
You said --- "Have you ever studied Psychology?" ---
hmmm no dear I actually got failed in SSC and could not study more:( !
3- you said ---'Imran bycotted 2008 election in protest of PCO and Emergency,idiot." --- hmmm here I totally agree with you IK was indeed an idiot to boycot elections as i'm sure he could have won one more seat this time !
1-Well,Shah Mahmood Quraishi is a feudal and certainly one doesn't need to vote for him.Yes,I do amit that Imran made mistake by casting vote to Fazal(I am talikng about first election for premiere) but the other side of the picture is that he did not have good choices at that point.I believe Imran himself should have takne part in that election for premiership.
As far as second election is concerned,perhaps you don't know that if Imran had voted Fazal,then both shaukat and Fazal would have got equal votes(Shaukat Aziz won election with just one vote over Fazal) and perhaps later on that could have made Fazal premiere.
We were discussing that Imran did not vote Fazal second time and I clearly in my responses that he chose Fahim over Fazal and Shaukat whereas you started talking about the first election.
As far as BBC report is concerned that doesn't make Imran wrong.they are are entitled to their own opinion.I being a Muslim believe that Imran would be wrong if some one proves him wrong in context of Quran.There is no science or technique which can tell you the differnce between right and wrong except Quran and it is well established fact.Quran challenges NON MUSLIMs to come up with a verse like that of Quran,let alone the whole book.
2-Had Imran been hypocrate no one would have given him a single penny to biuld Shaukat Khanum and Namal college.
Had Imran been a hypocrate he would have never come up with such project.
Imran are people like you who have never done anything for Pakistan and its people,and just keep criticizing our heroes.
You people are certainly against Abdul Qadir who gave Paksitan its biggest achievemnet which is the only thing we can be proud of.
3-Principled and honest people are laways considered as idioits by opputunists.
For you information,go and check out Gallop servey about last year,it clealy says that tehreek e Insaf wuld come upi with clean majority in NWFP and 18 votes in Punjab.You are talikng about one or two seats.
@ Paki = Mr. Tahir Naqash
1- You said, ---- “Well,Shah Mahmood Quraishi is a feudal and certainly one doesn't need to vote for him” ---- that’s right, but do you think Maulana Fazl ur Rehman aka Maulana Diesel was suitable for PM post ? don’t you think it would have been better for your leader Moulvi Imran Khan to abstain from voting at all, just like Mehmud Khan Achakzai. However, idiots like you don’t understand that Moulvi Imran Khan likes hypocrite mullahs as his mentor Gen. Hamid Gul taught him to always prefer mullahs over liberal and progressive parties !
You said further ----“As far as second election is concerned,perhaps you don't know that if Imran had voted Fazal,then both shaukat and Fazal would have got equal votes(Shaukat Aziz won election with just one vote over Fazal) and perhaps later on that could have made Fazal premiere.” ---- This is all bull-shit as opposition boycotted Mr. Shaukat Aziz’s election as PM !
Now let me quote from Dawn
“Mr Aziz got 191 votes of members of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (PML) and allied parties, one more than 190 polled by PML president Shujaat Hussain on being elected transitional prime minister on June 29 after the resignation of former prime minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali and 19 more than the required simple majority in the 342-seat house.
Because of the walkout by opposition parties, which together have 145 members in the house, no vote was cast for Mr Hashmi, who is lodged in the Adiala jail near Rawalpindi, awaiting a high court hearing of his appeal against a conviction for sedition and attempted incitement to mutiny.
Mr Hashmi, who is also the acting president of the Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N), was the candidate of ARD, which is led by the People's Party Parliamentarians (PPP) and has 80 members in the house. But the 67-seat Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) also joined the protests and the boycott.”
You also wrote ---- “I being a Muslim believe that Imran would be wrong if some one proves him wrong in context of Quran.There is no science or technique which can tell you the differnce between right and wrong except Quran and it is well established fact.Quran challenges NON MUSLIMs to come up with a verse like that of Quran,let alone the whole book.” ---- This really shows you don’t have any rational arguments to support your leader Clean-Shaven Moulvi Imran Khan !
For me religion should not be dragged in politics as religion’s always one’s personal matter. This also proves that all mullahs are nuts and they can never admit their shortcomings.
2- You wrote ---“ Had Imran been hypocrate no one would have given him a single penny to biuld Shaukat Khanum and Namal college.” --- you fool, Pakistanis gave donations to cricketer Imran Khan not hypocrite politician Maulvi Imran Khan !
And he also used Jemima Khan’s and his other chicks’ PR to collect donations from Jews, Christians and other westerners!
You also said --- “You people are certainly against Abdul Qadir who gave Paksitan its biggest achievemnet which is the only thing we can be proud of.” --- No, doubt Abdul Qadir was great spinner and he gave Googali style of bowling to us !
3- You wrote --- “For you information,go and check out Gallop servey about last year,it clealy says that tehreek e Insaf wuld come upi with clean majority in NWFP and 18 votes in Punjab.” --- hmmmm Imran Khan’s internet fan-club is very fond of surveys and I don’t know when PTI will really become a political party ! Anyhow, it seems Gen. Hameed Gul has assured Moulvi Imran Khan about winning majority in NWFP as Talibans will declare Moulvi Imran Khan as winner without any elections !
@Absolute Athiest or Mulla Omer or whatever
You are an amazing person who has got his own world with own vocabulary
You wrote down that hameed Gul has assured Imran that he would in the coming elections.Well,I was refering to the election which were supposed to be held in 2007 but later on were held on 18 Feb,2008.
And where was hameed Gul in 2002 and 1997 elections?Was not he Imran Political mentor(in ur opinion)?
What were hameed Gul and ISI doing when PTI centeral office in ISD was attacked by official due to which PTI had to face 4 million loss?
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